“Patrice’s insights and clarity are such a joy! I love working with her because she opens doors to areas I would have missed by myself and she does it so gently and respectfully.”
- Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, Developer, Healing From the Core
“Patrice’s gentle manner and deep inner calm make me feel supported and safe when I work with her. I receive insights when I work with her that help me determine what my next logical step is for whatever problem I am facing at the time. I recommend working with her and finding out for yourself.”
- Marcia B.
“Patients, their family members, and coworkers highly regard Patrice. She has a wonderful ability to individually adapt to each person and their family. She draws from a wide variety of creative approaches to work with patients and family members. Patrice is always very reliable, dependable, organized, and flexible. The team appreciates her friendly and calming presence.”
- L.F., MSW
“Patrice makes me feel so safe, all my upper chakras can open, and I can open to my magnificence.”
- L.G., LMT
“Patrice is a gifted leader! She has offered two life-affirming and faith-enriching retreat's for our Women's Fellowship...with an average of over 30 in attendance. Patrice fashioned incredibly rich, powerfully creative, and remarkably inclusive experiences that literally changed lives. Frankly, I've never seen a group of parishioners return from a retreat more excited or on fire with the Spirit. Patrice was the faithful architect of those incredible experiences.”
- J.M.
“As an oncology nurse with 15 years experience being present with people in every type of physical, emotional and spiritual suffering, I assert that there is no greater gift a minister can bring to another than that of compassion, and Patrice's brand is unique for its peacefulness, its strength, its sensitivity, and its breadth - it is at ease with people in any phase of their life cycle, and we have all felt its warmth.”
- K.I.
“I have met Patrice in both individual and group settings and have experienced her as a finely tuned and compassionate person, who is ever willing to open her heart to those around her. Patrice is capable to receive people. Her style is gentle and clear and she stays present with what emerges in a loving way, that creates the safety necessary for transformation to occur. Having fostered her relationship to Spirit over her lifetime, Patrice also holds a light and fun loving attitude that is delightful to experience.”
- S.R., LMHC
“Patrice is the first and only person to whom I refer people for inner healing work. She has a rare gift of providing spacious, hospitable space for deep inner reflection, where clients can safely explore their inner life narrative. If it is transformative, healing work you are longing to do, Patrice Ficken is the person to accompany you.”
- Susie A., Spiritual Director
“Patrice calls forth superior skills, pure heart and enormous dedication that brought me out of a very black, deep hole I was in several years ago. I've know her for over ten years during which I have observed her giftedness in the service of others grow steadily. Still I am awed by her clarity, her deep intuitive understanding and unwavering compassion with each conversation we share. Always, I feel profoundly safe with her which in turn enables me me to go deep and deeper into my being-ness, my soul, continuing to clear out that which prevents me from manifesting life's magnificence. May this and more be for each of you as you work with Patrice.”
- Jacqueline L.
“Patrice is an amazing listener. She cares deeply about my life and healing. I live so much more in my body because of what she has taught me and this is truly changing my life.”
- M.J., Pastoral Counselor
“Patrice Ficken has been a friend with whom I have had significant spiritual conversations for over 25 years. She is a gifted spiritual director, teacher, group leader, and speaker. She brings a strong and grounded sense of presence, emotional sensitivity and insight, and the ability to listen deeply and compassionately to all of her relationships. It is precisely these spiritual gifts that facilitate the personal growth and spiritual development of clients, colleagues, and friends.”
- CG, Clinical Psychologist
“A lesson about presence is knowing: “When to stretch to do something new that is “mine to do.” And when to say “no” to what is not “mine to do.” This is huge because my schedule looks quite full to the eye. But when I move forward from that deep place of inspiration of what my soul is meant to do, it all works out. However, when I try to add things that are not mine, I can do them. But I feel the effort required from being out of the flow.”
- Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, Reclaiming Your Body