Patrice Ficken

Deep Listening

In my experience, sharing our story with another who holds steady, safe, therapeutic presence is powerful and healing. My work is to support you toward gaining greater clarity, ease and freedom in your life, relationships and work.


“The whole purpose of spiritual direction is to penetrate beneath the surface of our lives, get behind the façade of conventional gestures and attitudes which we present to the world, and draw out our inner spiritual freedom.”

- Thomas Merton

Wisdom of the Body

Wisdom of the Body

A growing body of scientific research supports what healers have known for generations – our body’s wisdom holds the key to our well-being and soul’s growth. Through the core embodiment practices of Healing from the Core as well as a lifetime of spiritual practice, I can assist you in getting back in touch with your body’s wisdom.

Breathing Room

Breathing Room

Return home to the deep peace available in every moment when we take time to be still and listen to our deep inner knowing and allow our creative soul to be nurtured and cultivated.