Removing a Thorn Bush

Let me tell you
about all those twisted thoughts
so tangled up together
hard to tell
where one ends
and the other begins

Removing a thorn bush
I learned
only small cuts work

Mid-way between thorns
make space
grab hold
without drawing blood
Slice and pull free 

be careful

I learned the hard way
tried to make quick work
grabbed hold with my hands
Ouch! prick! red ooze stained my gloves
sharp thorns on my sweatshirt

The struggle got personal
forced me to get real quiet inside
focused, patient
intentional with my clippers

Piece by small piece
I followed every twisted pathway
right down to the root stem

Then I took my shovel
dug it up for good

by Patrice Borst Ficken, ©2021 Soul Care Connections